

VITAMIN CONCENTRATES. SUPPLIES AND STOCKS: Fourteenth Report by Scientific Committee. (S.F.C.(41)32).

16 Aug 1941

S.F.C.(41) 32. 11TH AUGUST, 1941. 1. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE ON FOOD POLICY. SUPPLIES AND STOCKS OF VITAMIN CONCENTRATES. FOURTEENTH REPORT. This Report, drawn up at the request of the Food Policy Committee (F.P.(M)(41) 11th Meeting, Conclusion 2) after consultation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Food, be regarded as (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (iii) (f) (ii) embodies the following conclusions (a) to (f) which may a summary of the report:- vitamins are essential to the maintenance of good health; they are best obtained from natural foods; human requirements of the various vitamins are not precisely known but it is believed that the current dietary will, in general, supply amounts for the average adult within the limits laid down by nutrition experts; child-bearing and lactating women, infants and children need extra amounts of many vitamins; provision is being made for these special needs by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Food in close consultation; so far as can be ascertained vitamin supplies for human nutrition, whether in foodstuffs, as concentrates from natural sources or as artificial products are assured for the coming twelve months; the most important general measures which are likely to ensure adequate amounts of vitamins in the dietary are:(i) for vitamins A and D, maintenance of supplies of fresh milk and milk products, butter or reinforced margarine and fish liver oils; for pro-vitamin A, vegetables especially carrots and greenstuffs; for vitamin C, good supplies of potatoes and greenstuffs which should be cooked or otherwise prepared for the table in such a way as to conserve their vitamin C content; for the B-vitamins, the provision of bread made from 85% extraction flour (see F.
health agriculture public health nutrition food supply infants maternity rationing science supply welfare nationwide food policy committee scientific committee on food policy
Civil Defence Region
Collection ID
Document Reference
CAB 74/6/56
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 74/6
Former Department Reference
FP(M)(41) 95
Infants Maternity Nutrition Public Health Science
Organizations Discussed
Food Policy Committee Scientific Committee on Food Policy
Published in
United Kingdom
Papers 42(41) - 132(41)
Rationing Supply Agriculture Food Supply Health Welfare

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