

Subjects Discussed: Educational Reform - Loans to Church Schools Remuneration of Teachers; Man-Power - Provision of Labour for certain Admiralty and War Office Establishments.

3 May 1944

to Schools. 21st (2)) of Teachers. (Previous Reference: L.P. (44) 21st Meeting Minute 3, Conclusion (1)) 1. THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION said that he had seen the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London who had agreed that Clause 98 of the Education Bill should be amended by the addition of a new sub-Section (3) to read as follows:- "(3) sub section order directing that If upon an application being made to him under (2) of section fourteen of this Act for an a school shall be an aided school appears to the Minister that the area served by the school will not be also served by any county school or controlled school, then, unless he is satisfied that the managers or governors of the school will be able to defray would fall to be borne by them under paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of that section without the assistance of a loan under this section, the Minister shall consult such persons or bodies of persons as appear to him to be representative of any religious denomination which, in his opinion having regard to the circumstances of the area, are likely to be concerned; and, unless after such consultation he is satisfied that the holding of a local inquiry is unnecessary, shall cause such an inquiry to be held before determining the application.
education infrastructure aircraft construction cost of living government departments industry labour supply transportation peace railways schools teachers wages schooling archbishop of canterbury skilled labour social reform depots munitions industry relations religious buildings preparations for war nationwide lord president's committee war office admiralty royal army ordnance corps bishop of london royal electrical and mechanical engineers
Civil Defence Region
Collection ID
Document Reference
CAB 71/15/24
Document Types
File Reference
CAB 71/15
Former Department Reference
LP(44) 22nd Meeting
Aircraft Archbishop of Canterbury Bishop of London Construction Depots Education Government Departments Industry Infrastructure Labour Supply Munitions Industry Railways Religious Buildings Schools Skilled Labour Social Reform Teachers Transportation Wages
Organizations Discussed
Admiralty Lord President's Committee Royal Army Ordnance Corps Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers War Office
Published in
United Kingdom
Meetings Nos. 1(44) - 59(44)
Preparations for War Peace Industry Infrastructure Wages Cost of Living Labour Supply Relations Education Schooling

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